A Review Study on Nidan, Srotodushiti and Srotodushti Prakara

  • Ramtirth Sharma
  • Rajesh Uikey
Keywords: Srotas, Srotodushti, Kha-Vaigunya, Atipravruti, Vimarggamana


Srotas is unique structure of our body, innumerable and divided into two types Bahirmukhi and Antarmukhi Srotas. They are hollow, tubular and porous in nature which transports the essential nutritional elements for all the Dhatus. According to Ayurveda when Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are in the equilibrium state and Srotas also have remained in their natural state, then individual achieved good health status. The Srotas play an important role in physiology and the pathogenesis of disease because in normalcy stage, they regulate the physiology of the body and maintain the anatomical structures of Dhatus. The influences of aetiological factors on Srotas can results pathological manifestations. If Srotas get affected due to any reason then diseases may arises. Considering this fact present article exploring various aspects related to the Srotodushti Nidan and Prakara.


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How to Cite
Sharma, R., and R. Uikey. “A Review Study on Nidan, Srotodushiti and Srotodushti Prakara”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 5, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 1-4, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v5i3.60.
Review Article (s)