Ayurveda Descriptions of Garavisha, Dooshivisha and Viruddhahara their Pathological Manifestations and Management
Visha is considered something that causes harm to all human being, the invasion of Visha in human body leads pathological manifestation. The Visha also becomes causes of death in some conditions if not treated properly. Ayurveda described various concept related to the Visha including Dushi visha, Gara visha and Viruddhahara. Dushi visha represents damaged and spoiled poison. The term Dushi itself means attenuated and denatured. These poison (Dushi visha) acts as latent toxin or exhibited cumulative toxicity inside the body. Similarly use of powder of insects can act as Gara Visha, the hazardous chemicals and incompatible diet also described as toxins in various medical texts. These all toxins lead acute or chronic illness in the body and Ayurveda mentioned several therapeutic modalities for treating pathological manifestations of Visha.
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7. Bramhanand Tripathi, Ashatang Hrudaya, Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrut Pratishthan, sutrasthan, 7/29.
8. Sartha Vagbhat, by Dr Ganesg Krushna Garde, Anmol Prakashan Pune, Reprint2006. Uttarsthana, chapter no 35/ verse no34, page no 459.
9. Sushrut Samhita of MaharshiSushruta edited with Ayurved Tattva Sandipika by Kaviraj Abikadutta Shastri Forwarded by Dr.Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta Part I Chaukhaba Sanskrit sansthan, Fourteenth edition : 2003, Kalpasthan chapter no 2/ verse no 50-52, page no 26 18.
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11. Modern Medical Toxicology, VV Pillay, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD 16th edition 2011, page no 517.
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