Ayurveda Perspectives on Prameha w.s.r. to Nidan and Pathogenesis: A Review

  • Sushama Gopalsing Kuware
  • Shivchandra Vishwanath Gurme
  • Prayag Dinkarrao Deshmukh
Keywords: Ayurveda, Rognidan, Prameha, Diabetes, Etiology, Causes


Prameha is a condition of metabolic disorders mainly arises due to the disturbed pattern of life style. Obesity, stress and other metabolic syndrome, etc. are mainly considered responsible for disease pathogenesis. Kapha and Kleda are mainly involves in disease pathogenesis of Prameha. Modern science described metabolic and hormonal disturbance, etc. as main pathological events of disease. Excessive consumption of Snigdha, Madhura and Guru Aharas along with sedentary habits, stress and lack of exercises, etc. are major causative factors of disease. Present article summarizes Ayurveda perspectives on Prameha W.S.R. to Nidan and pathogenesis of disease.


1. Charaka Samhita by Vd Harish Chandra Singh kushwaha, Choukhamba orientale 2005 1st edition Chakrapanitika 35/60,65
2. Ashtang Hridya by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi Choukhamba Pratishthana Edition 2007A.Hr.ni.10/38,39; P.No.98, 99.
3. Ashtanga Sangraha by Prof K.P. Shrikanta Murty Choukhamba oriental 2005 A.Hr.ni.10/7;P.No.93.
4. Sushrut Samhita Su.Ni.6/10-17by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana, Edition 2012.
5. Charaka Samhita by Vd Harish Chandra Singh kushwaha, Choukhamba orientale 2005 1st edition Ch.Ni.4/8
6. Charaka Samhita byVd Harish Chandra Singh kushwaha ,Choukhambaorientale 2005 1st edition Cha. Su. 17/4; Cha Chi 6;Ch Ni 4/12-23
7. Sushrut Samhita-By Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana, Edition 2012Su Ni 6; Su Chi 11, 12, 13.
8. Bhavaprakashanighantu by Pt Mishra published by Choukhamba Varanasi Edition 5th-BhaPra Madh.Khan.chp.38;P.No.365A.San.nid.10/2,9;P.No.204,207
9. Bhel. Samhita by Dr P Shrinivas Rao published by Choukhamba Varanasi. Edition 2010 Nid.6/1
10 American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021 Abridged for Primary Care Providers. Clin Diabetes. 2021;39:14–43.
How to Cite
Kuware, S. G., S. V. Gurme, and P. D. Deshmukh. “Ayurveda Perspectives on Prameha W.s.r. To Nidan and Pathogenesis: A Review”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 3, Sept. 2022, pp. 14-16, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v7i3.142.
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